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Applicant: The Analysis and Strategy Centre, the Secretariat-General of the Government

The Secretariat-General of the Government (SGG) is part of the working apparatus of the Government and is under the direct orders of the Prime-Minister.  
The Secretariat-General of the Government (SGG), a legal entity of public law, was established, organised and currently functions in compliance with the regulations of Law 90/2001 on the Organisation and Operation of the Government of Romania and of the Ministries.  
The Secretariat-General of the Government (SGG) ensures the development of technical operations related to Government activity, the solutions to organisational, juridical, economic and technical problems of Government activity, as well as the representation of the Government in Courts.
The Secretariat-General of the Government performs the following functions:
•    The authority function – performed in the procedural field, at Government level, to ensure that procedures for normative acts design, approval and presentation for adoption are followed;
•    The strategy function – ensuring the performance of the system for planning and formulating public policies at public administration level;
•    The regulatory function – ensuring the functioning of the specific juridical framework in the fields it coordinates, in compliance with legal provisions;
•    The representation function – ensuring the representation of Government, structures from the working apparatus of the Government or other structures functioning under its authority, in relation to national public institutions and authorities and international bodies, organisations or institutions;
•    The administration function – ensuring the administration of the public and/or private goods in its patrimony, according to legal provisions.
The Analysis and Strategy Centre of SGG assists the Prime-minister, as well as ministries, departments and other governmental institutions, in the following fields: access to public information and institutional transparency; internal and external governmental public communication; the evaluation of the population’s social welfare; the evaluation of social opportunity and impact of governmental strategies.


Applicant’s name: The Analysis and Strategy Centre, The Secretariat-General of the Government
Project manager:   Oanță Florina Lelia
Fiscal identification number (CIF) / Single identification number (CUI): 4283422
Phone number: 021.319.15.48
Fax: 021.312.58.11
Address Piața Victoriei nr.1 sector 1, Bucureșți; cod poștal: 011791
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The Secretariat-General of the Government’s partner in this project is the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), which combines competence and experience in research and the science of governance with expertise in the management of publicly-funded projects.

SNSPA’s involvement as a partner in the project The State of the Nation represents a materialization of its vision and mission, as the university will have the possibility to use the experience and expertise it gathered in analysing and supporting administrative decisions and public policies.


Partner: The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
Coordinator of SNSPA activities in the project   

Associate Professor Loredana Radu, PhD

(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Tax identification number: 9510194
Phone number: 021.318.08.97
Fax: 021.312.25.35
Address Strada Povernei, nr. 6, sector 1, București, cod poștal 010643
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.